

One Very Hard Decision

Yesterday I made the conscious decision to leave the Peace Corps.

It was truly one of the hardest decisions I have ever had to make.

I know what most of you are thinking....but you just started! I know this but I came to the realization rather quickly once I was there. It just wasn't for me. Not at this time in my life.

From the beginning I had not been truly excited about moving to China to teach English to university students. I hoped that once I reached staging and pre-service training that the excitement would kick in. 
It never did. I feel as though I let myself get swept up and never actually sat and thought, "Is this really what I want to do?" My heart just wasn't in it. 

My true passion is teaching elementary school, not university students. The more and more I learned about the job the less excited I was. I knew that this lack of enthusiasm was not fair to my furutre students or community. I've had less than enthusiastic teachers, it was not fun.

I also came to the realization that I would be 25 when I finished and would still have to finish my masters. I don't want to wait that long to start my career. 

What excites me and makes me happy right now is the thought of finishing my degree and either teaching at an elementary school or finding a job with an international aid organization in NYC, DC, or London. So that is exactly what I am going to do!

In the end I had to do what was right for me. I have to do what makes me happy.
Life is too short to just "get through it".

I treasure the short time I had in the Peace Corps. It truly is a great organization.

I also treasure the friends I made during that short time. They supported me through the process of making the decision and continue to support me, despite the fact that they are on the other side of the world. They truly are great people!


I made it!

Well.....I finally made it!

I'm in China!

After two days (ish) in Chicago, all 83 (ish) volunteers boarded our 13 hour flight to Beijing. After some confusion and some rushing through the airport, we made it on to our flight to Chengdu, just barely.

At the moment we are in a pretty nice hotel in Chengdu. We go to sessions from 9a-3p everyday, including an hour and a half of Mandarin lessons. My Chinese name is Wàng Lèlè (pronounced W-ah-ng Luh-luh), meaning joyful and optimistic. I'm not so sure this fits but maybe I can grow into it.

So far I haven't had any food I didn't like. I am super relieved by this as I tend to be very picky about the food I eat. Mom, you would be proud to know that I have at least tried everything that has been put in front of me. Even tofu, which after eating it, was reminded of why I'm not a fan.

Tomorrow we will get our training site assignments. This is where we will be for the next two months while we continue to learn Mandarin and live with a host family. We move there the next day, Tuesday. Nothing like jumping in feet first! Living with a host family is what I am most nervous about. 

So....hopefully I'll have a chance to update tomorrow with some info. about my home for the next two months. Until next time, zài jiàn, or goodbye!