

Parent's Weekend 2009

Originally uploaded by smc06r
It was officially the last Parent's Weekend as an undergraduate :(

We had a lot of fun! My parents brought the RV to Tallahassee so that was a lot more convenient. On Friday night we went to the FSU Circus. It was wonderful as usual! The, on Saturday, before the game, I took them to Pebble Hill Plantation just over the line in Georgia. It was a beautiful day and we had a great time.

Saturday night was the big game! FSU vs. GA Tech! Well we go though half of the first quarter and then the game was suspended because of lightning in the area. After about an hour the game started again. We stuck it out in the rain! There was a row of GA TEch fans in front of us and we couldn't possibly leave before they did!

At half time the Marching Chiefs did a tribute to Michael Jackson! They even did the Thriller dance! That's right, 500 band nerds, some lacking rhythmic coordination, doing the thriller dance in front of 83,000 people! It was amazing!

We did lose the game but it wasn't because of a lack of effort. After the week's hoopla over Bobby Bowden it was great to see a show of solidarity by the fans! There were multiple signs in support of our beloved head coach. My favorite one was "In Bowden We Trust". Another one read, "Every Real Seminole Supports Bobby".

Hope you had a good weekend! Click on the pic for more!

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