

antiquing isn't complete without a cupcake

I mentioned a few posts back that my dad built me a new desk for my room. Well, a desk isn't complete without a chair. I have been using a vintage milking stool that came with our house. Let's just say it isn't the best thing to sit at a desk on. It kind of lacks the back support that I would like to have, a.k.a. it has none to speak of!

The town I live in has bunches and bunches of wonderful antique stores. St. Augustine, FL, you may have heard of it. We're kind of famous and all, we are the nation's oldest city after all. You've at least seen the old fort on your fifth grade field trip, especially if you went to elementary school in Florida. Me and my wonderful mommy went out on a mission. Operation: find Savannah a desk chair. What do you know but the very first store we step into has the perfect chair! What a coinkydink! And what a price, no overpriced antiques here! And bonus, they had the cutest night stand you've ever seen in your life, guaranteed! Ch-ch-check 'em out!

And no antiquing mission is complete without a homemade cupcake!


Sarah said...

I love the nightstand and the cupcake looks yummy! The one I got from Sbux was kind of disgusting-yours looks delish, though!

BonBon Rose Girls Kristin said...

You had me at cupcake. Happy new year!!