I got an interview earlier in the week and today was the day. I think it went pretty well. Me and the owner ended up talking about his industry, insurance, for about 45 minutes. Pretty good I would say. I think he was impressed that I had some sort of idea about the business and business practices in general. [Thanks mom for owning your own business.] I should know something by Monday. Fingers crossed! I know you'll all be waiting with baited breath.
I would have told you all earlier but I was too busy last night to blog. By busy I mean I was too busy flipping back and forth between American Idol and Dirty Jobs. But you're saying to yourself, those shows end at 10p. Yes, but after that was Paranormal State and Celebrity Rehab. I know I know, reality television rules my life. And to prove it I'm blogging right now during American Idol. I just can't look away!
In more fun and amazing news...I might be working in London come August! For those of you who are not my family or Sarah, I studied abroad in the fall of 2007 in London, England through my university. I would say ya'll could all read my blog posts from the amazing 3 months I spent there but I accidentally deleted my blog a while ago. We don't talk about that.
Well....they posted on their website that they are going to have three positions opening up at the study center in London for August. Of course I am applying! I love London and it truly feels like a home away from home. I am super excited and I wish it was closer. So keep some happy thoughts in your head for me. I would appreciate it lovelies!
Happy Thursday!
1 comment:
Good luck with the job hunt!
PS-I'm totally jealous about London! That would be so cool!
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