

Happy Birthday to Me!!!

I turned to big two-three on Thursday and I got my official Peace Corps invitation last week so I had to celebrate! I gathered up almost 20 of my closest friends and we headed to a local Mexican restaurant for some margaritas (sangria for me) and good food. It was great and my sweet friends even got together and got me a great card and the biggest bottle of Moscato I have ever seen. Moscato has become a staple at all our weekend get togethers so it was the go to gift. I also got the book Shanghai Girls in honor of my impending move to China along with a Target gift card. And, my lovely friend Jasmine, from China, got me a cute little good luck charm. I truly do have some great friends in Tallahassee!

At dinner

I do love my friends but they can be sneaky when they want to be. They told our waitress it was my birthday and of course that was followed by the traditional singing and shot of tequila. Tequila and I don't exactly get along so I passed it off down the table. But, the best part was the guy playing the tambourine. He was horrible. He had no rhythm and it as just loud banging. Of course he stationed himself right behind me for the duration. But, by the end of the night we all found this to be hilarious.

The horrible tambourine man

After dinner we headed to Stetson's for some good 'ole fashioned line dancing. Now, I have a pretty eclectic group of friends and we tend to bring the party with us wherever we go. So the party continued and we all embarrassed ourselves trying to learn the dances but it was a good time. After that we hopped around to a few bars. All in all it was a great night! Pretty sure one of my best birthdays to date!

Hope everyone else had a great weekend!

P.S. Please excuse the lovely cell phone pictures. I forgot my big girl camera so one my friends took over with her Blackberry. 


I'm Still Alive....I Promise

I know it's been 4 months since I've updated the blog. Let me provide you all with a recap: Work....School....Read for School.....Write Paper for School......Sleep....Rinse and Repeat. You get the idea. Super exciting right? Yeah, that's why I haven't been writing, I didn't want to put anyone into a boredom coma.

But, remember that whole possibly joining the Peace Corps thing? Yeah well it's really happening! Last Friday I officially accepted an invitation to be a Teacher Trainer in The People's Republic of China! 
On June 29th I will be moving to China for two years! Or 27 months! Or 835 days (according to my visa application)! However you want to look at it.

I am super excited and can.not.wait! But, it means I have a lot to do in the next three months. Part of this time will be taken up by a week in Montreal for a school conference and a week vacation with the fam in Ireland. So in the month of June I will finish up my summer class, spend a week in Ireland, move out of my place in Tallahassee and move to China. Crazy! But I love it!