Sorry I have been gone, but I GRADUATED!!!! I am no longer a soon-to-be college graduate. But with that comes the realization that I can no longer write "student" as my employment. I now have to write "un-emplyed". What a rude awakening that is! I don't have the excuse for mooching off my parents!
We won't worry about that though, at least not now. On Friday my parents and I made the long drive to Tallahassee and met up with my grandmother, her partner, my mom's best friend (my second mom), and her sister. On Saturday I walked across the stage with a civic center full of my closest friends. I had no idea how boring a college graduation could be. The speaker was alright but my college was the second to last one to go on stage. The girl next to me read about half her book! But going across the stage was the best feeling ever!
[It was super rainy outside so we used the hotel lobby as our backdrop.]
[So ready to stop taking pictures!]
It was a great weekend! Now, onto NYC on Tuesday!!!

Yay! Congratulations! I am totally jealous about the camera! Have fun in New York!!!!
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